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Advent 2018

Into This World.jpg

December 2​4

Christmas Eve 7:30 pm

Worship with Communion and singing of Silent Night by candlelight

see the video

Advent Devotions

Daily devotions can help us deepen our understanding of God coming into our world, not just in the past when Christ was born, but each day as we are born anew and ready to bring light to others.

Printed Devotions

We have ordered copies of the devotion "God lifts the Lowly" from PCUSA. Get yours at tea time beginning November 25 or request a copy by email  to

Material for our Advent theme has been adapted from materials developed by Marcia McFee at the Worship Design Studio

Into This World 

In the scriptures, we can look at the world into which God came in human flesh. Like our own time, this world seemed an unlikely or even hostile environment for this fragile incarnation of peace and hope. This season we will proclaim the entrance “into this world” again of the light for which we still so desperately yearn. What are we called to bring into this world?”

We proclaim, We Commit, We are Called

Read what members wrote on the light we are to share and the tasks we are called to PCC Proclamations

Extra! Extra!

Members wrote up visions for God's transforming power this Advent. Read our "newspaper" PCC Visions

December 2

Advent Candle of Hope

Decorating the Christmas Tree

The Lord tells Habbukuk to write a vision. What is our vision for God's transforming power this Advent?

December 9

Advent Candle of Peace

In a time such as this, instead of lamenting, let's find ways to make it OUR time where we can bring light and peace into the world.

December 16

Advent Candle of Joy

God has called us for a reason and God grasps our hand and walks with us in this endeavor

December 23

Advent Candle of Love

Do not be afraid to follow where God leads you. Nurture the growth of the new thing God is doing among us.

December 30

The Heartbeat of God

God shows up as the heartbeat of the new born Jesus and the heartbeat in each of us.

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