Advent 2022
Daily Reflections
We encourage you to keep a journal of your thoughts based on the theme for the week. We'll discuss the theme at Tea Time either in-person or via Zoom. Download these journal pages
November 27
SACRED TIME - be awake to the "now"... the gift of sacred time with God, with each other and with those in need of hope.
December 4
SACRED PEOPLE - when we look through the lense of the sacred, through the lens of God's love, we prepare our senses to recognize the holy in all people.
December 11
SACRED SPACE - the pregnancy of Mary is connected to the promise of justice and joy.
December 18
SACRED KNOWING - let us seek out quiet to hear the voice that brings peace by gently saying, 'do not be afraid'
December 25
SACRED BEING - our very being reflects the sacred. The incarnation of God in human flesh is proof.
“We too often think that something “sacred” is far away and not available to us. This Advent season, we are “reframing” the way we recognize the sacred reflected all around and through us.”
The sacred is all around us. Christ shows himself in the people we see. God shows God’s self in the glory of Creation, in the beauty of a sunset, in the blue sky after a rain. And, we, too, are sacred and are called to reflect the sacred around us so everyone can see God’s power and love.
December 24
Christmas Eve 7:00 pm
Worship with Communion and singing of Silent Night by candlelight
Reflections of the Sacred in Photo
Sometimes we hurry through life without pausing to wonder at God's presence. This Advent, we encourage you to snap at least one photo a week of someone or something that reflects God back to you. Send your photo to us and we'll put it in a rotating gallery on this page.
Anointing with Oil
"Christ” means “anointed one.” Anointing with oil has long been a sacred sign imparting holiness to another. During Advent, you are invited to use anointing oil and touch it to your forehead or the back of your hand one time each day during time you set aside for some Sacred Time and for reflecting on the awe and wonder you encounter.
Perhaps it will be each morning as you get ready and you stop for a moment and say a prayer of gratitude. Perhaps it will be during a time of devotional reading or journaling. Perhaps it will be in your car before you head home on your commute from work. Or perhaps you will do this with your family just before bedtime. The way you set aside time is up to you. Repeating the same time frame each day is helpful to establish a rhythm. The anointing is a physical way to help us remember that we are One with Christ, the Anointed, and with each other and all of creation.